I always assumed by default that people will be positive about things and will react negatively depending on circumstances. For ex: If you get mugged in a particular street, you might fear going in that street again. But of late, I have been beginning to realise that people by default are negative, atleast to me. I think one of the easiest things to do in life is to see the negative side of things, point out fallacies be it personal, professional or societal. the difficult part is to see the positive things - somewhat like the silver lining in a cloud( I have never understood whats wrong with a cloud though!). I always believe if you want to do something, people will give you 100 reasons as to why one should not do it but as long as you have one good reason and you believe in it, you should go ahead and do it!
Like DJ says in Rang de basanti - There are two kinds of people in this world, one who just take the life as it is and dont do anything about and the ones who take responsibility and change the world. I think there is a third kind as well, those who just take the life as is but blame everyone else in the world for it rather than taking responsibility!
Unfortunately there is no calvin strip on this one! I am hoping I can write a blog for every calvin strip sometime, relate it to something thats happening around us.. Will atleast make the blogs more interesting;)